Sex & Relationships

Reproductive and sexual health in women



When it comes to sexual and reproductive health the first question we ask to ourselves is, what is sexual health? what is reproductive health? and what is sexual and reproductive health? together. The World Health Organization defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. And reproductive health refers to the condition of male and female reproductive systems during all life stages.

  • What is sexual and reproductive health?
  • Importance of sexual and reproductive health in women
  • Reproductive health issues for females
  • How to maintain a healthy sexual and reproductive health?


What is sexual and reproductive health?

The term ‘sexual and reproductive health’ can be defined as a person’s right to a healthy body, healthcare and education to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, other infections and to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Sexual health is an integral part of overall health and well-being, not just merely absence of any disease. Education regarding every aspect of reproduction and sexual health which includes, safe sexual experience, health risk related to multiple partners, healthy state of reproductive organs, contraception, menstruation etc. And access to all this knowledge is key to sexual and reproductive health.


Importance of sexual and reproductive health in women

It is important for every woman to get awareness, education regarding sexual and reproductive health. since,

  • Sexual and reproductive health is not only about physical wellbeing
  • it includes the right to healthy and respectful relationships, health services.
  • Access to accurate information,
  • Effective and affordable methods of contraception
  • Information regarding various other issues like, menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, STD, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, poly cystic ovarian syndrome.
  • If a woman is well informed of above aspect, then it will provide her a sense of freedom and importance to make her own choices.




Reproductive health issues for females

  1. Endometriosis – endometriosis is a concern related to uterus. The tissue, that is ideally growing and lining the inside of the uterus starts growing out of the uterus too like ovary, bladder or even intestine, which can cause, severe bleeding, cramps, infertility.
  2. Uterine fibroids and cancers – there are many malignant and non-cancerous tumours which grow in uterus and other female genital organs like, vagina, cervix, ovaries etc. this can interfere with normal uterine functions, giving rise to pain, disturbed menstruation and also infertility.
  3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – hormonal imbalance in woman which disturbs overall function of ovary, giving rise to PCOS. Pelvic pain, unwanted hair growth, disturbed menstrual cycle, dandruff, skin eruptions.
  4. Sexually transmitted disease – this can cause bacterial, parasite or viral infection which will give rise to poor uterine health and can also lead to major illness.


How to maintain a healthy sexual and reproductive health?

  • Nutrition – a well-balanced meal at proper interval should be taken. Always prefer warm and freshly prepared food.
  • The genital hygiene is important. Keep the intimate organs clean and dry. Wear breathable fabric.
  • Exercise – exercise regularly, stay active throughout the day.
  • Sleep – sleep is most important. Sound sleep helps balance and maintain healthy hormonal flow.
  • One should have knowledge regarding STD and preventive majors.
  • Always prefer herbal medication to boost general reproductive health. also if there is any disturbance.
  • M2tone tablet and syrup from Charak Pharma is formulated with powerful ingredients like Ashoka, Lodhra, Shatavari, Jatamansi which takes care of reproductive health.

It improves overall health in women, helps to maintain hormone health in women.

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